Guang Cong, the UNMISS Deputy Special Representative-Political, welcomed the commencement of peace discussions between the transitional government and opposition organizations at the Tumaini Initiative facilitated by the Kenyan government.
He delivered the statements at the resumption of discussions in Nairobi, where he represented SRSG and UNMISS Head Nicholas Haysom.
“We applaud the resumption of discussions on this significant effort. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Secretariat and all participants for their devotion and patience over the previous seven months, as well as their unwavering commitment to securing long-term peace in South Sudan,” Cong added. “We applaud President Kiir and President Ruto for their exceptional leadership in resuming the discussions. two repeated appeals to end the negotiations quickly, which resonate. with South Sudanese ambitions.”
“We also commend the South Sudanese delegations for coming to these talks with open hearts and minds.” “This spirit of openness is critical for the success of our discussions here,” he continued.
Cong emphasized that the regional and international community’s confidence and support for the Tumaini Initiative can only be assured by visible success and joint commitment from all partners.
“More crucially, a successful resolution to these conversations is required for the benefit of South Sudanese citizens, who are impatiently expecting peace dividends. We urge everyone’s involvement in the Tumaini process,” he stated. “To attain lasting peace and good
The Tumaini Consensus paper must include views from civil society, women, youth, people with disabilities, traditional leaders, and faith-based groups. As the name implies, the Tumaini Initiative has given the people of South Sudan hope that intentional measures are being taken to ensure long-term peace in the country. We wish you every success in your efforts to bring peace to South Sudan.
“Lastly, as your partner for peace, I want to reaffirm UNMISS’ and United Nations’ full commitment and support for your ongoing efforts to achieve durable peace in South Sudan,” the Vietnamese ambassador said.